Dr. Bob Logan’s Update 4/12/23

What a wonderful celebration of Easter we had this past weekend! We had many guests and visitors joining us, as well as most of our core community of friends, family, and neighbors. We had a great surprise at the end of the service when the children joined us to perform a song with accompanying hand motions. Wasn’t it exciting to see the children in the service? I think my favorite moment though was when we sang How Great Thou Art as a congregation. It felt like an affirmation of the goodness and power of our God seen through the resurrection.

New sermon series and services

I’m excited about the upcoming sermon series we’ll be kicking off this coming weekend: The Kaleidoscope of Experiencing God. We’ll be taking a deep dive into the book of Acts and looking at the many and varied ways people experienced God just as the early church was taking root.  People met him in the context of their daily lives, in ways both intentional and unexpected, and had to decide—just as we do today—how to respond to his presence and direction. We expect this to be an important season of dynamic engagement in our relationships with God.

Please note that next week, we’ll be continuing with two services, one at 9:00am and a second at 10:30am. Children are welcome in the first service, and our Community Kids classes will be taking place during the second service.

Looking toward the future

Please join together in praying for a part-time student ministries leader. As a congregation, we are actively involved in this search process. We’ve gotten the word out in many places where we have strong relational connections.  Let’s pray together that God leads us to the right person.

We know that he has good plans for us ahead, and it’s our responsibility to contribute what we can toward those ends: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

Great moments with Pastor Rob

As we move into our Great Moments with Pastor Rob segment, remember to make your contribution to our congregational gift to Rob and Kathleen Acker. Be sure to select Senior Pastor Honorarium on the dropdown menu:  Donate – Community Church Rancho (churchcenter.com)

In case you missed the announcement of the special gift, here is a link to see it online:  https://vimeo.com/814379521

Don’t forget to RSVP!

If you are planning to attend Pastor Rob’s retirement celebration, please RSVP here by April 16 if you have not done so already. We need to know how much food to order. The celebration will be held on April 23rd at 3pm.

Warmly in Christ,

Dr. Bob 


Great Moments with Pastor Rob

Over the many years we have been grateful for Pastor Rob and Kathleen and know that they will continue to be of service to many others in their continued journey in the Name of Jesus. Rob has always been a blessing to our family, but really came through for us in comfort and love when we lost our brother Chris. He was at the hospital and prayed with us. He met with us in the home to ensure that we were okay and he officiated both the personal and military services. Rob’s personal touch and love warmed and comforted our hearts and made everyone feel safe in God’s presence. We will miss his personal greetings at church with his sincere smile, hugs, and his heartfelt sermons. Thank you Pastor Rob for blessing our family in so many ways. We will miss you and Kathleen and wish you both the fullest in life filled with the love of Christ. You will always have a special place in our hearts.

With love,

Andy and Jasmin Valenzuela

Do you have a fond memory of Pastor Rob? Be sure to share with us by emailing a story and a picture to greatmoments@findcommunity.com. We want to collect as many as possible in preparation for his retirement celebration on April 23!