Community News from Dr. Bob Logan – 5/10/23
State of the Church
Last Sunday, the message focused on the state of Community Church: past, present and future. We looked at where we have been, where we are now, and where we will be going moving forward. And I shared more information at the town hall after the second service. If you missed either of these, please be sure to view them: Experiencing God: State of the Church and Town Hall presentation.
Consider: If God really had his way, what would he do in your life? What desire has God put in you that he would love to see brought to fruition?
Keep reading to find out what follow-up is already happening and how you can be involved!
Spiritual Gifts
About 20+ people came Monday for an interactive seminar about the healing and growth that result from using our Holy Spirit-given gift(s) not only to get work done, but to aid in the transformation of lives, including our own. Exercising our spiritual gift brings us into a ministry environment where we are becoming more like Jesus on a consistent basis in kinship with others.
Participants are completing a Spiritual Gift Questionnaire and 27 people are scheduling an appointment with a Spiritual Gift advisor to explore what and where the most wonderful results would be from faithfully using their spiritual gift.
Next step: If you want to discover the joy of your Spirit-given gift and experience transformation, fill out a Spiritual Gift Advisor appointment card and take a Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire in the courtyard after church on Sunday.
Middle School and High School Ministry
Pastor Brett will be providing hands-on leadership for our Middle School and High School students starting this Sunday and throughout the summer months. Our Middle School program has events scheduled every Tuesday. Click HERE for events. Our High School small groups will resume meeting Sundays at noon, continuing through the summer. For more details, contact Brett or Jeanne.
Living with Less Stress and Anxiety
This 5-week Zoom group for women and men will be from 7:00-8:00pm on Thursdays June 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29. Sign up on link to event on planning center.
What tends to worry you? What creates stress in your life?
In the first week of this group, we reflect together on where the stress is coming from and recognize the ways it’s affecting our lives. In the remaining weeks we offer some ideas on how to manage it differently, which includes the greatness of putting on more and more of God’s peace.
The goal is that at the end of these five group conversations, you will see God in some new ways and gain important insights about yourself. It will be different for each of us, but Robin Zamora and Janet Logan, co-facilitators are here to provide structure and support for that to happen. For more information or to register, click HERE.
Recovering from Losses in Life – COMING IN JUNE
Walking through unwanted changes and losses can be easier when we have others to talk to and share with. You are invited to bring your sadness, anger, strength and hope to the in-person five-week group starting in June.
Prayer focus
One result of experiencing God’s grace in our lives is joy, by grace we are also given gifts of the Spirit, which we are to use with joy and gratitude, “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
Above all, pray that God will move in all of our hearts to find the joy and grace of God as we move toward his calling for each of us individually and for all of us corporately as a congregation.
Share your joy:
Please respond by sharing with us how you’ve been experiencing God. Even just small changes you’re making in your everyday life as you live in God’s love can make a huge difference. Email us at