Community News from Dr. Bob


I hope you are continuing to read through the book of Acts along with this sermon series. You can sign up to get Community Rancho’s scripture reading emails each Monday so you can follow along together with others. It’s been amazing to read large chunks of Acts repeatedly and to see the broader context of all God was doing in those years. 

And he’s not finished… not by a longshot. We at Community Ranch have a lot to celebrate! 


  1. Dozens have either attended a spiritual gifts workshop or taken a gift assessment, beginning the joy-filled journey towards understanding how God has wired them for lives of service and significance. 
  2. Our guest care team is stepping up and serving in new places. Lisa’s leadership is being multiplied by the development of co-leaders, new greeters are welcoming newcomers to Community, and several volunteers have stepped up as a part of our set-up and tear-down teams.
  3. The worship band is expanding. Several people have begun the journey towards serving as instrumentalists and vocalists. It’s exciting to see the energy of our newest volunteers.
  4. Our prayer team is now available every Sunday. Volunteers have said yes to letting God use them through a ministry of prayer during and after our services at the crosses on each side of the worship center.
  5. Our church is cultivating eyes to see God at work in the world around them. Small group and team meetings are beginning with the question: “How are you experiencing God?” And dozens of you have acknowledged a growing awareness of his presence and guidance! 


Student Ministry Summer  

For our youth, this is going to be a summer to remember: new friends, epic adventures, and a deepening experience of God in the lives of our students. We’ll have regular youth gatherings as well as a bunch of events and socials. See the calendar here for a listing. As an additional bonus, Pastor Brett will be providing leadership to the youth ministries this summer. Lots of cool stuff is happening! 

Update on our ministry goals and budget on June 4. 

On June 4, we’ll have a brief presentation during the service on our goals and budget for this upcoming year. After the service, we’ll have a town hall gathering with a more expanded presentation and opportunities to interact. Please be present at this important meeting if you are able to attend. It will also be recorded. 


Loss group: the one that’s not loss from death. 

Recovering from loss  

There are many losses we suffer in addition to the passing of a loved one. This new 5-week in-person group will be a place to walk through unwanted changes such as a broken relationship, losses of custody or a job or possessions, the departure of a beloved pastor, health losses or unmet goals and dreams, and so many more. Bring your sadness, anger, strength and hope to the group and together we will allow God’s love to minister to us. Kammy Sislofsky and Janet Logan will be co-leading the first session. Prayer Team member Vivian Curato will be present to offer prayer support. Register here.

An Anchor for our Soul: 

The author of Hebrews described hope as an anchor for our soul. Because in spite of any losses or setbacks we have here, we know our ultimate and secure hope is in God. 

Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:17-20)


What does an anchor do? It keeps things steady in a storm. It doesn’t allow us to drift off course. That kind of stability is what our hope in God provides us. We cling to him when we feel the winds trying to push us off course or wreck us against the rocks—and we know that God’s purpose for us is unchanging and steady.