Community Update from Dr. Bob: 4/24/2024
As we learned from Pastor Brett’s sermon on the church in Corinth: ministry is messy. Yet even in the darkest of places, we are called to be a light. Right here, right now, each of us… we have a lot of things we can do. We can try new things, we can experiment, we can take a risk. We—as ordinary people, as lay people—can form mission-driven groups that reach the world around us with the message of the gospel. We don’t need to wait for a big program to invite people to. God is already at work all around us.
We know not everything we try will work. That’s okay. That’s how we learn; that’s how we grow. So let’s stay on track with what Jesus told us to do: Love God, love others, and make disciples. Even if we don’t do it perfectly, we can do something! Let’s get our hands dirty, and we’ll learn as we go.
Ministry is messy; let’s do something anyway. Trying something—even if it fails—is far better than doing nothing and slowly dying out.
In that Spirit, pray with me for this new endeavor we’ll be trying out over the summer: Friday Night Church. Why church on Friday night?
- Friday Night Church gives us an opportunity to reach people that no one else is reaching: people who can’t or won’t attend on Sunday – work, travel, sports, etc.
- Friday Night Church gives us a space in our weekends to send people out on mission. Maybe God will give you opportunities to have spiritual conversations on Sunday mornings while you’re out on the soccer field, in the coffee shop, at the golf course, with the mountain biking group.
- Friday Night Church provides us with a unique opportunity to experiment with more relational, discipleship-centered ways of connected to Jesus and others—in a setting that’s not tethered to Sunday morning expectations.
So let’s experiment together with purpose! Friday Night Church presents us with a new way we can make disciples, develop leaders, and form missional communities that continue to radiate outward. Pray together and let’s see what God may do!