Community News: 8/14/2024
Community –
The Greek language has several words that we translate as “time.” Chronos (from which we get “chronology”) speaks to the sequence of time – where events occurred on a timeline. We’re less familiar with another word for time, kairos. This word for time refers to an opportunity, season, or appointed moment.
Kairos is often used in the New Testament to communicate the potential spiritual potency of a given moment. For example, “You see, at just the right time (kairos), when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5:6). The timing is more an expression of God’s sovereign wisdom than a date on the calendar. Or again, “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for at the proper time (kairos) we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9). Again, kairos reminds us of God’s divine activities that are out-of-sight but will one day be revealed. Kairos moments are often crossroads, where our response to them set the trajectory of our next season of life or faith (e.g. Paul’s experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus in Acts 9).
What has been a kairos moment in your journey towards Jesus?
Perhaps it was a specific conversation with a friend or family member, a crisis, a big life change, or when you held your first child. Whatever it was, looking back (and perhaps even in the moment), you see the spiritual potency of that moment. God was there, meeting you in that moment (kairos).
I’m introducing this Greek word (but more importantly, the spiritual principle embedded in it) because I believe that we’ve been in a kairos moment as a church. Dr. Bob has served faithfully as our Transitional Leader for over 18 months at this point. He has pointed us to Jesus, reminded us of God’s promises, called us to repent, invited us into God’s vision for His church, and so much more. He’s been a friend, coach, leader, and prophetic voice for our church family. I believe that Dr. Bob’s 18 months will prove to be a kairos season for our church – a time appointed by God to draw us back to the first love of our church (love God, love people, make disciples).
Dr. Bob will be with our church family for just two more weekends. Let me invite you into a few possible ways to honor God’s presence in this kairos season.
1 – Reflect. I know that more than anything Dr. Bob has ventured to help you live and love like Jesus. Would you spend a few minutes in prayerful reflection and consider (1) how have I experienced God over the past year, and (2) what am I going to do in light of how God has been showing up?
2 – Share. Scripture reminds us to “share all good things” with those who have taught us (Gal. 6:6). Let Dr. Bob know how God has moved in your life, how you’ve responded to kairos moments, and/or how you’re moving towards Jesus through Bob’s ministry here. We’ve got “thank you” cards available in the lobby. Take advantage of these cards (or bring your own) to share a word of thanks and encourage to Dr. Bob and Janet.
3 – Lean in. Dr. Bob’s work has been aimed at helping Community get focused and healthy. Honor that work – and respond to the kairos moment before us – by getting involved. We need all-hands-on-deck during these times of transition. I’d love to have a conversation about how to help you get plugged in the coming weeks (serving, group life, discipleship, etc.). Reply to this email and let me know what “leaning in” during this kairos moment looks like for you.
Join me in thanking God for this kairos moment through Dr. Bob’s ministry.
Joyfully –