Community News: 8/28/2024
Community –
The question “How have you experienced God this week?” has become a part of our shared language here at Community (thanks, Bob!). From weekend gatherings to small groups, from board meetings to youth ministry, if you hang around Community for long, you’ll hear this question.
Part of the power of this question is that its repetition helps us remember to keep our eyes open. We begin to wonder, “What is God up to in my life – or the lives of those around me?” We begin to practice a “holy noticing” – paying attention to where God is at work in our hearts and in the world around us.
Here, of course, we’re taking our cues from Jesus. Jesus told us that He only does what He sees the Father doing (John 5:19). Jesus discerned where the Father was at work, and He joined God there. As disciples of Jesus, this is our ambition as well. God, help us to see where your Spirit is moving in our midst – and cooperate with you in that work!
This kind of thinking plays a big part in why we’re making some changes to our Friday night services. As you may have heard this weekend, we will continue with Friday Night Church past Labor Day – but with some changes. These changes are all about joining in where we have seen God at work on Friday’s this summer.
Three changes of note:
(1) Beginning on September 6th, Friday Night Church will begin at 6pm. Over the summer, our High School youth group began meeting after service on Friday Nights. This has been a great change. The number of students engaging – the depth of their engagement – has been very encouraging. We’re adjusting the Friday Night service time to provide more time for our students (and not keep them out too late during the school year). So invite a high schooler to Friday Night Church – and stay for youth group!
(2) Beginning this Friday, you’ll notice a change in format. While we’ve enjoyed gathering around tables and engaging in discussion over the summer, moving forward our Friday night services will more closely resemble our Sunday morning format. Acts 2 reminds us that the first Christians met in the Temple Courts (bigger public gathering) and broke bread in each other’s homes (more intimate gatherings). It is hard to accomplish both of those things on a Friday night in the same space. I sense God calling us to give intentional focus on creating spaces – in homes – where we can share a meal, explore faith, build friendships, and spur each other on towards the mission of Jesus. More on that later this fall.
(3) Don’t get confused though, Friday Night Church will still have a unique feel. Friday Night will still be a place for developing people and experimenting for Kingdom good. How? One way is by inviting our students and young adults into more intentional leadership. We want our students to have a sense of ownership and excitement as they contribute: lead worship, greet guests, serve communion, share announcements, so much more. This will be a service for EVERYONE (all ages and stages) – but I do hope that we get to see our next gen contributing in some powerful and meaningful ways. God is doing something very cool with our students. Let’s continue to create spaces for their voices and leadership!
If you have any other questions about the changes to Friday Night Church, I’m happy to talk more. Reach out anytime: (or just hit “reply” to this email).
Where have you been seeing God at work in your life and around Community?
With Joy –
Pastor Brett
P.S. Don’t forget, this Friday Night (8/30) we’ll still have pizza at 6pm and service at 6:30pm. Next Friday Night (9/6) we’ll begin the new service time of 6pm. See you then!